Independent modes of the American CART series based on the F1 Challenge 99-02.Very good game for fans of motor racing's most popular American series. A real atmosphere of participation in the championship in 2006 with the best pilots in the World Series Champkar.
Year: 2006
Genre: Racing
Publisher: IDT
Version: 1.3
Platform: PC
System requirements: Pentium III / Athlon 1 GHz
256 MB of memory
Video adapter with 32 MB of memory
1.7 GB hard drive
Language: English (all intuitive)
Tabletka: Not required

Champ Car - American Car Championship with open kolesami.Do in 2004, was called Championship Auto Racing Teams (World Series CART). Also known as the IndyCar World Series (World Series IndiKar). In 2008, a series Champ Car merged with the Indy Racing League series (IRL).
Races were held on the slopes as an oval configuration, with a hard surface, and on road routes are also different types. Ovals can be asphalt or concrete surface. In turn, oval track divided into short-track - a mile-long and less, and the speedway - more than 1 mile. Downhill road type could be located on the stationary circuit, and on temporary airfield routes, and pass through the city streets.
In contrast to Formula 1 - Champkary powerful (900-1000l.s. In 2001 imposed restrictions 800l.s.), longer, wider, lower, heavier (weight of the car is missing pilot and was 710 kg) of their European colleagues and ... as a consequence - high-speed machines are more stable than a Formula 1 car, but have champkarov expressed understeer.
Also, the velocity of the ocean is impressive: Record maximum speed was raised Gilles de Ferran in qualifying for the final race of the season in 2000 Marlboro 500 at the track in Fountain, when he went round with an average speed of 388km / h (maximum instantaneous speed, according to some reports, was achieved by Paul Tracy in 1996 on the track in Michigan when he was overclocked up to 413km / h during one of the practices)
So welcome to Champkar!!
Installation: Unzip the archive into a separate folder and play
Who wants to play on the grid knock ICQ 369007958 or write to lichku

